Anhydrous Ammonia Rated Hoses

As I am preparing for GCAP’s new MRD-Best Practices course for ammonia refrigeration applications, I have paused to write this post.  This seminar will look at associations across the country and histories of best practices to assess the need for safety, compliance, and RAGAGEP for a machinery room and its connected equipment. Not only is the course exploring new designs, but will evaluate the needs of pre-existing designs from the last 30+ years.  For information on the class and all that is covered, please visit this link.

I believe it is essential to understand that there is no guidance from IIAR or ASHRAE in reference to fixed or mobile hoses used with ammonia.  If we look to OSHA, we find an inclusive amount of information on this topic.  Below are some examples of hoses used in industrial refrigeration and what OSHA says about NH3 hoses. CalOSHA Title 8 CCR 510(c)(1) requires hoses to be tested annually.  Also note that the ANSI/CGA G-2.1 has guidance for anhydrous ammonia and transfer hoses is found in CGA P-42