FM Global Data Sheets

If you are not aware, FM Global in the last few years has made their data sheets free to download and use.  They can be of a great aid to help in mitigating hazards in many of industries such as ours.

Some that I thought were of interest are:

12-61: Mechanical Refrigeration Case Study #6 “

“12-61: Mechanical Refrigeration

“12-2: Vessels and Piping”

“12-43: Pressure Relief Devices”

“12-53: Absorption Refrigeration Systems”

“10-2: Emergency Response

“10-4: Contractor Management

“8-29: Refrigerated Storage

“7-13: Mechanical Refrigeration

“7-95: Compressors

“6-22: Fire Tube Boilers

“6-23: Water Tube Boilers

To download these FREE PDF’s, you must register with FM Global.

fm global