OSHA becoming more Educated with Ammonia Refrigeration

“Knowledge will bring the opportunity to make a difference” –  Claire Fagin once said.  It all starts with education, applied through a hands on experience, then one may attain what is known as wisdom.  OSHA will be bringing a new perspective to looking at a mechanical refrigeration systems.  It has happened to all of us at one time in our career when a light switch came on, and usually credit was due to somebody taking a few minutes to show you something from a different point of view.

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR), the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA), and the University of Madison Wisconsin known as the IRC  will be holding 6 different training session in early 2017 to train OSHA inspectors on Ammonia Refrigeration. Session one has already occurred with over 30 participants. Things being presented are:

  • General Refrigeration Cycle
  • Machinery Room Safety Procedures
  • IIAR Best Practices
  • System Failures
  • NDT: Non Destructive Testing Techniques
  • Pressure Relief Engineering

More information can be found @ Ammonia21