GCAP was recently asked what are the required skill sets needed to be a PSM manager and what type of training guidelines should a plant follow for these individuals.
- PSM/RMP managers/coordinators must have management and leadership skills to set priorities, delegate, motivate and develop your people while coaching the refrigeration department to become top performers.
- You must have communication skills to get your point across, create a compelling presentation to support your goals and get buy-in for ideas, inspire others to achieve better results and communicate objectives and goals for safety with efficiency in focus.
- Have good collaboration skills so you can value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances and negotiate effectively.
- Work with critical thinking skills to approach problem solving logically, research options, avoid biases and focus on meaningful data to make effective conclusions.
- Must understand budgets and place the resources effectively
- Project management skills to manage change effectively
- Use PSM tools to stay on track and become an effective member of a cross-functional team.
- Mechanical knowledge and basic refrigeration will quick start entry level PSM employees.
Now lets looks at some other areas that if effective can help lead to a successful PSM/RMP program
- Must understand the the goal of PSM is not risk elimination
- Must be an effective trainer and a leader
- Must be proficient at computer systems
- Must be a people person
- Must have good team around you, regardless of your talents and knowledge
- Must understand that PSM is triple tiered, and fixing anything on the top two will only be redone again in the future if the base is not fixed first
- Must be detail orientated and accept change driven by others
- Must understand they have an accountability and responsibility to the chemical, however they have no liability unless negligence is involved.
- Must have authority over hourly implementers
- Must understand that being safe does not mean compliance
- Must understand that having the right paperwork does not mean the facility is safe
PSM managers are priceless. How do you build a list to be a good PSM coordinator? With these skills sets what is good PSM manager/coordinator worth? Below is GCAP’s Introduction to NH3 and PSM/RMP Video!